Karate Tournament Central
News and Articles

From SPARR Carolina Magazine (Nov 2001 - Jan 2002)
By: Sensei, Kathy Baker

We Are Family

With our country at war and the fear of Anthrax every time you open your mailbox, you would think our fellow men and women would come together as one and finally be over such trivial differences as ethnic back-grounds. Not True. Growing up in a small southern town, I've been around racism in one form or another all my life. From black and white to North and South.

Can't relate? Have you ever been somewhere with someone different from you, and all of a sudden notice everyone staring at you or whispering as you walk by? I’ve even encountered some people who just say their rude comments loud enough to be heard by everyone.

Thank goodness I am fortunate enough to be part of a karate team with members of all different origins. These people whom I love are truly my family. So, when we all go into a restaurant after

a hard day of competition, it really unnerves me when we are treated or looked upon as creatures from outer space. I really don’t understand why people are so narrow-minded, but I noticed there are a lot of them out there.

However, there is one place where I have yet to see any type of prejudice. I have never been to a tournament and been stared at or judged, nor do I know of anyone that has been stared at or judged simply because of their looks or where they’re from. Okay, picked at? Yes. Judged? No.

I’ve always been accepted by everyone with open arms (you see, I’m the one who likes to hug everyone!). Huh, you don’t believe me? Then see for yourself! The next time you are at a tournament, take note. I guarantee that all you will see is a large room full of friendly folks. I mean, who really cares about what you look like or the color of your skin as long as you can kick and punch or at least talk about kicking and punching. I can walk into any tournament not knowing a single person, feeling like a stranger and by the end of the day I know half, if not most, of the people there. No one stares. No one whispers under their breath. The feeling I always get is friendship.

Too bad everyone in the world can’t have that feeling, but it has taught me one thing. Why should I get upset when someone narrow-minded takes it upon themselves to judge me without ever even taking the time to meet me! I’m a great person and so is everyone I know in martial arts.

So, from now on when someone wants to grumble and grunt at me and my karate family when we’re out and about, I just get a really big smile on my face and say, “How’re y’all doin’ today?” You see, it’s not me they’re upset with. It’s just that their way of thinking is too minute to see that they are missing out on the greater things in life.

** Special note: To everyone who has suffered a loss during our country’s time of turmoil, we would like you to know that our hearts and prayers go out to each and every one of you. May GOD bless and keep you. From our family to yours.

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