Karate Tournament Central News

In 2000, Karate Tournament Central brought you The Cyber Warrior Challenge, the World's First Virtual Martial Arts Tournament.

In those days, most people used dial-up connections, and the internet simply had not developed to the point that online video was practical, so we made do with VHS videotapes.

Fast forward ten years, most people now have high speed connections, YouTube has brought video into the internet mainstream, and Karate Tournament Central is excited to introduce the New Cyber Warrior Online Competition, the World's first completely web based Martial Arts Competition.

What is a virtual tournament? In many ways, a virtual tournament is similar to conventional tournaments: It has competitors who compete in divisions that are broken down by age, sex, style and belt level. It also has a panel of judges who evaluate and score each competitor's performance.

The key difference between a conventional and a virtual tournament lies in the fact that a virtual tournament doesn't take place at a single location on a specific day and time. In a virtual tournament, players compete with one another via video presentations. The advantages of this format are many, but here are a few for starters:

1) No Traveling Required!
You don't need to worry about hotel reservations, packing your bags, directions to the event, or how many hours will be spent in the car. You can video tape your performance at home or at the school where you normally work out.

2) You're Never Late!
Although there is a deadline for video clip submission, you can film and submit your performance anytime over the one month or longer submission period. In addition, you never run the chance of being disqualified in one ring, because you're competing in another. To keep video clips current, all we ask is that the video be filmed within one year of the date that judging begins.

3) You Can't make a Mistake!
You never have to worry about a dropped weapon or momentary loss of concentration. If you make a mistake, simply tape it again. The judges will only see your final submission.

So about now, you're wondering: How does this New Cyber Warrior Competion Work?

So each competitor gets more attention, Karate Tournament Central won't be running 50-100 events at one time. We'll be offering 4-8 divisions each month, throughout the course of the year. Each division will have a Registration period of at least one month, and a Judging period of similar length.

This means the Competition will be taking place continuously with several divisions enrolling this month at the same time several other divisions are being judged. The divisions being judged this month were enrolled last month, while other divisions were being judged. Here's how it works step-by-step for a single division:


  1. Karate Tournament Central posts a new division on the web site. Each division has a beginning and ending date for registration, and a beginning and ending date for judging.
  2. Competitors who wish to compete in the newly posted division, film their presentation, and submit it to YouTube.
  3. The competitor next visits the Karate Tournament Central Online Competition Control Panel, and clicks on the REGISTER button for the desired division. He then completes the online registration form, including the YouTube Video ID that identifies the clip uploaded in Step#2.
  4. After the registration form is submitted, the web site will automatically send the competitor a confirmation email. When the email is received, the competitor must verify his registration by clicking a link on the email. This step prevents bogus entries, and helps insure that no one is entered without their consent.
  1. Once the registration is verified, the competitor simply waits for the start of the judging period. During this time, KTC staff members will be reviewing the video clips for appropriate content. If any are determined to be inappropriate, they will be disqualified, and will not be presented for judging.


Rather than limit the judging to five Black Belts, The Cyber Warrior Competition wants to get everyone involved. Anyone with an genuine interest in the martial arts is invited to be a judge.

We understand that every competitor will be voting for their submission, not to mention their friends and relatives. We also know that there are literally millions of martial arts enthusiasts out there, and a majority of them don't know any given competitor. Since these neutral martial artists make up the bulk of the potential judges, personal bias should not play an excessively large roll.

If you'd like more information on the Cyber Warrior Online Competition, Please visit Karate Tournament Central or Click Here to view more information Right Now!


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